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Monday, 14-Feb-2022 17:48:02 UTC. Maintained by: Elisa E. Beshero-Bondar
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Relax NG Exercise 2
The Assignment
- Make a folder to hold this homework, since it will contain two files. Save the folder using our homework filenaming conventions.
- Download, save, and open this fully marked-up version of The Maltese Falcon radio script (open the link, and right-click to save on your computer with your homework, then open in oXygen).
- Open a new Relax-NG Compact syntax file in oXygen, and set your editor in tile view so you can see the malteseNumbered.xml file next to your schema file. Delete the code in the Relax NG file so you have a blank document to start with.
- Write a Relax NG Schema in Compact Syntax that models the content of this XML file as you study it. (Save the schema in the same directory with your XML file so you can easily find it.)
- Associate the schema with the XML file (in oXygen go to Document > Schema > Associate Schema, and browse to locate the schema. Click OK and note the new schema line at the top of your XML file.
- Zip (compress) the file directory holding your XML file and the Relax NG schema file, and submit this on Canvas at the upload point for this assignment.